Part One: Purposes and Definitions What are the results of knowing and using the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication, also known as Non-Violent Communication (or NVC)? This show begins a series about Merging the Trivium Method with Voluntary Communication, and developing strategies for better interpersonal connections. Darrell Becker will be co-hosting all episodes in this series. Darrell’s Purposes For This Pursuit 1. The first purpose was so that an individual may possess an explicit (meaning explainable to one’s self and others in a simple and straightforward way) method to find and gently remove one’s own sources of “cognitive dissonance”, which were labeled with the metaphor of “splinters in the mind”. 2. The second purpose was to be able to know and understand other people’s “splinters”, and to be able to avoid putting undue pressure upon such obstacles to other people’s method of critical thinking, but rather, to offer opportunities of connection by virtue of building “bridges of empathy”, metaphorically and subjectively understood signs of understanding and respect which seem to “coincidentally” correspond to enhanced communication capabilities. 3. The third purpose was to produce enhanced empathetic connections and communications, which seems to correspond to more frequent collaboration, which in turn seems to correlate with increased creativity and innovation. 4. The fourth purpose is to help to generate circumstances (filled with connection and creativity) which are likely to lead to increased innovation, wherein obstacles and “problems” are seen by more […]